By the time the wedding finished, a lot of people gave gifts to Selena, and she happily accepted them. Even the Hellmann family gave her gifts.

Some people also tried to offer gifts to Rebecca, but she rejected them without any hesitation. There were some men who really persuaded her, but she was not at all shy when it came to breaking their newfound hopes of dating her or making her their own.

“As expected of Selena’s daughter…” they said. “She’s entitled for this much arrogance!”

Some loved her attitude and thought of it as cool, whereas some looked at it as if she needed some work on her ego.

The only thing that bothered Rebecca was that Benjamin was really acting like a bodyguard and did not let anyone get closer to her without her permission. If he was doing it normally, it would have been fine, but he was exaggerating everything and was treating her like she’s some princess. And this embarrassed her a little.

Once the party finished, and people began to leave, Selena came over t
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