Benjamin’s impression of Veronica changed after she spoke highly about her elder sister not long after she got slapped by Rebecca.

Veronica definitely earned some respect from Benjamin.

“And, it’s my personal advice, but you shouldn’t chase after her too much,” Veronica told him. “When you seek after someone, it tends to make them proud. Everyone in our house tries to talk to Rebecca and please her because she doesn’t talk and mingle with others that much. But maybe, that’s why, she’s become a bit prideful. Even now, she doesn’t mingle with other family members. She spends time with herself most of the time. I can understand if she reads books like my mom, but she doesn’t do that, either. So, I don’t know what she even thinks about. She never lets out her secrets. Maybe, she’ll tell you if you ask her, but take it slow. That’s all the advice I can give.”

“Thanks for your tips,” Benjamin said. “I’ll definitely bring you free pizza when I get back to work.”

Veronica somewhat smiled. “Do
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