“It’s been forty minutes,” Elizabeth was checking time on her 15K watch. “And there’s no sign of him or anyone for that matter.”

“Yeah, this is very strange…” Dorothy was growing nervous. She looked at her husband, but Nolan was snoring loudly. He had drunk so much during the party, and now, he was down and out. Even if a thunderbolt were to crash right next to the jet plane, he might not wake up right now.

Lisa and Roshan were playing a game on playstation.

Selena was checking her mobile for a signal, but there was no signal. “Let’s say we wait for twenty more minutes, and he doesn’t return. Then what?” she asked a question.

“Then we’ll grab whatever sharp objects we can,” Jacob said, “and get out together. As long as we fight together, we can chase even the wolves.”

“I wish we at least had a gun,” Shawn said. “It was foolish to come so far without a gun. This place is built on a mountain, so no one can hear us even if we shout. Going down the mountain is also too risky. We have to f
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