THE URBAN PHOENIX: Arthur Salvatore's rise from the ashes.

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THE URBAN PHOENIX: Arthur Salvatore's rise from the ashes.

By: Darken Ross OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 38 views: 437

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ARTHUR SALVATORE, the useless grandchild of the Salvatore's family. His father resents him and his stepmother humiliates him. He lived a sad life with the only happy thing being that his girlfriend loves him. But even that changes when he catches her cheating. His life takes a big upturn when his grandmother died and they find out that she left most of the wealth to Arthur. Arthur is betrayed by those he calls family and he is at the last level of his life when he activates a system which has a low-level of compatibility. This is not a book with a perfect character. Arthur makes series of mistakes and hard-headed decisions, he goes against the system at the risk of his life. But finally, after a long ride, he finds his footing and purpose to regain all his memory and take back what is rightfully his. Read this book and follow Arthur on his path to power and revenge.

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THE URBAN PHOENIX: Arthur Salvatore's rise from the ashes. Novels Online Free PDF Download

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    2023-11-08 04:03:34
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38 chapters
CHAPTER 1 - Author's Prologue
[New Task >> Get the information from the man. Either by negotiation or by Physicality] "What?" The tall, muscular man muttered to himself. "Get the information from your witness," The computerized voice said. "You have two options to do it. Negotiate, or use Physical contact." The man paced the dark room. "What does Physical contact mean?" He muttered to himself again. No answer. The system remained silent. "Did you hear me?" The man asked in a fierce whisper. The system remained silent. The man's bodyguards shuffled on their feet uncertainly, wondering why their boss was muttering to himself and leaving their witness – who was the chief of staff of the Salvatore Empire – seated with a smug smile on his lip. "You can't do anything," The witness said. His name was Hobie Galdin, the chief of staff and major controller of the Salvatore Empire. The tall man stopped his pacing and faced Hobie, "What did you say?" He asked. Hobie chuckled, "You think you are something. You think
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FIVE YEARS AGO... The Salvatore Mansion, Connecticut. "Arthur, don't be an ass." The shrill voice rang through the whole room. Arthur took a deep breath. He completely loathed family dinners such as this. He plastered a fake smile on his face and nodded before looking down and chewing on his food. "So tell me again, Arthur," His stepmother said again in her nerve-scratching voice. Arthur groaned inwardly. He just wanted to eat his food in peace, give a few nods and shakes of his head, and then disappear from this mansion for as long as he could. "Tell me, What is it that you're doing in New York again?" His stepmother asked. He knew exactly what she wanted to hear and her aim – to embarrass him even further – and he wanted to tell her to go to hell, but he did not have the guts or courage to voice out his mind, so with some difficulty, he swallowed snd said in a small voice, "Well, you see, right now, I am working two jobs…" "Hmm," His stepmother said, playing around with her f
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ARTHUR PUSHED THE hood of his jacket to cover his head as he beat furiously against the rain. He was pedaling furiously, wanting to deliver his last package and then call it a night.He jumped off the bike before it stopped and hurried up the stairs of the house he was to deliver to. He rang the bell urgently. No answer. He pressed it again, longer this time. Still no answer. He grumbled and looked up at the sky, the clouds were gathering even more. It was going to be a thunderstorm and he did not want to be here when it came.He was just about to pound on the door when it opened."Didn't you see the bell over there that you were about to put your filthy hands on my door?" The slob of a man said.Arthur snapped his hand to his side, plastered a smile to his face, and said, "I came to deliver your meal, sir." He pushed the box forward.The man collected it and said, "My wallet is inside the house somewhere. I will be right back." He slammed the door in Arthur's face.Arthur shifted his
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HE DID NOT know who sent the text as he got on the next flight leaving for Connecticut. He could barely afford the economy seat and had to borrow some money from some of his friends at school.As the plane took off, Arthur started the calculations in his head and figured that he would have to work for two months before he would gather up the money to pay back. Luckily, it was unlikely that his friends would embarrass him for the money, but he did not like to be in debt so he planned to pay back as soon as possible.He rubbed his eye socket and tried to sleep amidst the clutter going on around him on the plane. He was packed between a woman with a kid and an old woman. When he approached the air hostess for a seat change, she had scoffed. Then she gave him a once-over glance and walked away without answering. Arthur had resigned to his fate and since it was not a really long flight, he was prepared to endure it through.He closed his eyes and his mind went back to the text, "Your grand
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ARTHUR REMAINED DUMBSTRUCK for almost 5 minutes. Then the house became stuffy and he hurried back inside to pack his things and leave immediately.He saw Logan in the music room, gently playing a classical tune. He looked angelic. No one would know that behind that calm demeanor and blonde hair, the boy was a demon in disguise.He entered his room, stuffed his few clothes into the room, and hurried out. He saw Clarence, still sulking in the sunroom. He ignored her and went out.He stopped by his grandmother's grave first. He had not been here when she was buried because he could not stand the harsh and stony gaze of his family.A gentle wind blew around, rustling the large oak tree and making some leaves fall gently around him.He felt a strong choking emotion rush into him and found it hard to swallow the large lump in his throat. He knelt beside the headstone and rubbed it fondly."I don't know why you did what you did by willing majority of the properties to me, Grandma," He said s
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HIS EYES OPENED slowly. His vision was blurred as he tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain jolt on his side. He gasped and laid back down as a nurse hurried in. "Lay back down," she snapped. "Where am I?" Arthur asked, twisting his neck to look around.The nurse propped her hands on her supple hips and stared at Arthur, "You are in New City Hospital. A good Samaritan brought in your broken body." She picked up the chart beside his bed and looked at it, then she adjusted the drip that ran into the veins of his right hand.Arthur looked around. The monitor beside his bed was beeping at steady intervals. "What happened?" Arthur asked. The nurse scoffed and walked out without answering. She could not see any reason why she was assigned to look after the scrawny-looking young man. "Excuse me, miss," Arthur called to her just before she walked out. "Who brought me here?""You will know soon," the nurse snapped. "Now, go back to resting, and do not disturb me. I have much more important
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ARTHUR TOOK AN uncertain step backward as he watched the gang approach. "What do you want?" He called out. The men sniggered as they walked forward. "Toss your wallet!" One of them said. Arthur raised his hand innocently and said, "I don't have a wallet, please." "That's too bad," One of the men said. Arthur looked left and right, and then he took off in unsteady steps. But he barely got 10 yards before he was pulled back and down. He covered his head with his hands as the heavy kicks hit his body from every angle. After what seemed like forever, the kicks stopped and the men walked away. Arthur felt like he was about to die. His breath was coming in wheezing sounds. He rolled over on the hard ground and stared at the dark skies. He could feel blood streaming from his mouth as he blacked out. "Oi, get up!" The toe of a boot poked Arthur's side. He coughed, gasped awake, and opened his eyes to see a cop standing over him. "You alright, there?" The cop asked.Arthur nodded, sa
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[New Task>>> Put your ex-girlfriend in her place] Arthur's brows furrowed together. "Ex girlfriend? I dated her?" He asked himself. He muttered under his breath as he turned around to look at Sophia. "I'm not sure I should waste my energy on… that," He started to walk away and ignore the system's task. [Reward >>> an amount of your memory will be regained. Additional 10,000 USD and increase in ego. Punishment >>> Compatibility with the system will be reduced by 5 percent. Remember, if the system Compatibility reduces by less than 35 percent, it will cause a slow and painful death.]The cold robotic voice in Arthur's head made him shiver with fright. A slow and painful death. Goosebumps. "And what are you standing there ogling at me?" Sophie's voice snapped him back to reality. Arthur shook his head. "You're not worth my time." That took Sophie by surprise. She gasped. "What?!" "I said you're not worth my time. That's what I said," Arthur said lazily. Sophie looked like she
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[New Task][Get a job as a taxi driver. Deadline in 24 hours]Arthur blinked unbelieving. "What?" He asked. "You are to get yourself a job as a taxi driver until further notice," The system voice replied. "Shit!" Arthur cursed under his breath. "I thought I would not have to work again for the rest of my life and only spend all the money from the system." "The deadline to get the job is tomorrow morning," The system interrupted his thoughts. "Failure to do so is disastrous.""Let me guess," Arthur said dryly, "A slow and painful death." He groaned as he stood up. "Where can I get a taxi to buy? Or even rent?" He asked himself as he made his way into the commercial district of the city. His stomach gave a small grumble so he obeyed and entered the first restaurant he came across. It was a very fancy and high-end restaurant. Large glass chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling and from the looks and muted sounds from everyone there, he could tell that these were all rich billionai
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"I'M GOING TO the hospital," A tall thin man in an oversized suit said, getting into the taxi. Arthur started the engine and drove on. He had been doing this for over a week now and even as he didn't expect to like it, he found himself waking up every morning looking forward to the type of people he was going to meet that day. He had found a small apartment on the outskirts of downtown. It was a shabby building, but he had nice neighbors and a place to sleep. He had also bought some casual clothes, not as expensive as the first set he had bought, but they were not cheap either. Oftentimes, he caught himself thinking of his late friend, William, but he snapped himself out of getting sad, and for that reason, he was glad to have a job as tasking and busy as a taxi driver. It kept his mind from thinking of the past and trying to regain his memory. "Would you like some music, sir?" Arthur asked his passenger. The man shook his head. "I would prefer the silence." Arthur nodded. He k
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