Chapter 106

With Karen's prompt departure, Derrick found himself in solitude, his mind grappling with the challenges ahead. The Baxter family was relentless in their pursuit of dominance, and his own legacy was at stake.

"This cannot be the end," he muttered under his breath, a fierce determination igniting in his eyes. "I will not let them win."

He rose from his seat, pacing the length of his office, his footsteps a rhythmic beat that seemed to echo the urgency of their situation. The walls felt like they were closing in, a suffocating sensation that fueled his defiance.

With each stride, Derrick's mind worked feverishly, formulating a revised strategy that would account for the missing pieces of their original plan. He could not allow a single misstep to threaten the delicate balance of their scheme, and the absence of White presented an unparalleled obstacle.

"Think," he said to himself, his tone commanding. "What would White do? Where would he go?"

A faint glimmer of insight pierced the dark
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