Chapter 107

The bunker was a formidable sight, its entrance hidden within the rocky slope of the hill. Derrick approached with caution, keeping a sharp ear out for any signs of movement or danger.

As Derrick drew closer to the entrance, he saw that the metal door was slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of darkness beyond. The rust on the hinges betrayed the bunker's age, and a musty scent permeated the air.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. With Lucky trailing cautiously behind, he slipped through the crack in the door, his gun leading the way.

Inside, he found himself in a narrow, dimly lit corridor, the walls made of thick concrete. The air was stale, and every sound seemed to echo through the silence.

Derrick, now with Lucky as his faithful companion, began to make the necessary arrangements for his upcoming trip. He'd come a long way from his earlier quest to bring down the Baxter family, but this new development presented a different set of challenges.

With the conf
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