Alex felt his heart drop upon hearing his grandfather's words. Although he tried to keep his emotions in check, he couldn't conceal the torment consuming him. The idea of losing John Davis, who had always been a source of strength, was too much to bear. He was the only family member he had supporting him. His absence would be extremely missed.He will be the sole heir remaining from the Davis family.

"Grandpa, please don't say that," Alex begged, his voice shaking a little. "You will be okay." We will provide you with top doctors and top-notch treatment options. Gazing at his exhausted face, he spoke slowly. Alex understood that he needed to be prepared for whatever was approaching. Is it necessary for me to contact a doctor? I can arrange for the top doctor to come and provide you with the finest care. Grandpa, you will be okay."

John placed a weak hand on Alex's shoulder, his eyes reflecting a mixture of love and sadness. "Thank you, Alex, but we both know that's not the answer. I've
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